Tag Archives: life lessons

Chores in the Dark

If you are a reader of farmer/rancher blogs, you probably know that livestock farmers are never off the clock. Raising animals is a 365, two-to-three-times-sometimes all day, seven days a week kind of job.

And just like the postman, farmers head out to the barns or the pasture rain or shine, snow, sleet and hail.

I grew up on a livestock farm. My dad raised pigs and cattle, and my sister had horses. We always had one or seven orphaned calves (yes, one spring there were seven!), a dog and barn cats. Lord have mercy, the cats! Continue reading

Farm Boy to Cow Boy

My farm boy is finally old enough to join 4-H.  As in 8 years old by September 1.  As in sit up to the conference table in the conference room at our club’s meeting place, follow an agenda, recite the pledges and make a motion.  It is a happy day in our home. Continue reading