Tag Archives: music


The Secret Lives of Farmers

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Farm bloggers and talkers have a tendency to focus on the farmer and the farm, the night chores, the day chores, and the in between seasons chores.  The focus is on the why of what we do, what we wear … Continue reading

Super Swiffer Saturday

When Saturday dawned at home on the farm, we didn’t even have to ask what was on the agenda for the day.

Cartoons? No. I really don’t remember watching cartoons at all. In fact, at one time my siblings and I could pick one half hour of television to watch in the day. 30 minutes. That’s all. Do you remember Sunday night’s Disney Family Movies? We watched the first half hour of those movies and then taped (as on VHS) the rest to watch in half hour segments the rest of the week. We had a library of VHS tapes of movies with the first 30 minutes missing. Continue reading